Saturday, 20 July 2013

Third week over, along with a sucessful cross-country check :)

The end of second week and beginning of the third week were a bit down for me, I didnt get to fly much, and when I did, the flights were not the best. But that changed mid week, and my flying started to improve again, I regained some confidence, and my flying improved some more, and it culmitated in a sucessful "phase bravo check." our course is split up into three parts alpha, bravo and charley. alpha is everything up to your first solo flight, bravo is everything up to your first solo cross country (landing at a different airport than you took off from) and charley is everything up to your flight test. So anyway, yesterday I passed the phase bravo check, which makes sure you can fly safely to another aerodrome by your self. and we also did a 100 question practice exam in prep for the Transport Canada Written exam, and I managed to get 84% which isnt bad. not great, but not bad :) Today I had a sucessful solo to another airport, and back again, and tomorrow is the one day a week we get off, so im feeling pretty good right now. as I was climbing out of the airport I was struck at the beauty of everything as seen from the air, and how amazing it was that I was blessed to get into this course. I was also thinking how nuts I was to be leaving the ground in a piece of metal with propeller at one end, with only 3 weeks of training. every once and a while I will stop and say to myself "what do you think you are doing, you are totally bonkers to go thru with this." then I think YOLO, Ill do it anyway :) signing off with a smile :)

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