Sunday, 24 May 2015

I'm still alive :)

Yeah, so I haven't posted anything here since December of last year, and seeing as its nearing the end of May, I just thought on the off chance that anyone actually reads my blog, you don't have to put it on your list of totally abandoned blogs. I'm still alive and still building robots and things that go boom, however at a much much slower pace than I was before. 2015 has been a bit of a crazy year for me, I turned 19, the place that I was renting sold and the new owner decided they didn't want to rent to me anymore, so I bought small house, and had to move into it, which means that even tho I moved in more than a month ago, most of my stuff and all of my robot making things are still packed away in boxes in a shed. Plus the fact that I work full time, and help out at my church, well, it all sucks your time away quite quickly, and suddenly you don't have time to do much but try to survive :) Anyways, Im still here, and I will get back to posting more regularly when I get a tiny bit more time in my life.


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